Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Breeves

Cabreeve and I were finally able to meet up for what worked out to be a good amount of time :) We exchanged more gifts. Before I get to what she decided to give me from her side of the room, here is a little something I put together before we left Davis. I hadn't had the time to put onto a CD until a few days ago.

As a going away gift, I made videos/slideshows for Cat and Alane. I can't show clips from it, because it would just be a bunch of pictures, but here is Cat's CD.

Of course I wanted to personalize it. I just took some sharpies, and started drawing.. an hour before I met up with Cat.

First I sketched with a pencil.

It's always very French with us. 
The title is a play off the phrase "Paris, je t'aime." 
There's also a song, I've been liking called "Paris, Je T'aime": 
So it made "Catherine, Je T'aime" all the more appropriate.

Here is the CD cover.

As Cat's parting gift from her side of the room for me, she decided to give me a part of her giant "What is Life?" poster she had hanging over her bed. That poster is filled with a bunch of inspirational life quotes. She told me she wanted to give me something I saw every morning when I woke up. Her poster was usually the first thing I'd see every morning, and also the last thing I saw every night before I slept. So it was really nice she actually cut out a quote that reminded her of me. Now every time she looks at her poster, and her eyes wander over the missing quote, she'll think of me :)

I bet you thought it was a frame. I never knew they made trays where you can insert pictures!

Her quote for me:

"Life is pure adventure
and the sooner we realize that,
the quicker we will be able
to treat life as art."

It's how we do. Can't wait for our next tea party <3

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